The Corporate Structure
The company's administrative structure has undergone many changes during its not short history; from a simple family-like organization has slowly moved to an articulated one, better suitable for a large company that aims to effectively carry out the service assigned by the Maritime Authority or required by the charterers. Until 31 January 1995, the company based its administrative structure on the articles of a statute dated 29 June 1975 and, under the form of a Partnership (Italian Società in Nome Collettivo) she has operated under the name "Rimorchiatori Napoletani S.M. Armando de Domenico President Pro- tempore & C.S.n.c. ".With effect from 1st February 1995, following a decision taken unanimously at a general meeting of the approximately 150 members held on 17 December 1994, the company changed legal form and was transformed into a limited liability company taking the name of "Rimorchiatori Napoletani SRL". To increase the competitiveness and efficiency of its action in sectors different from harbour towage, RN has adopted specific corporate instruments with the creation of two new operational units: in 1996 the Portosalvo Ltd

In its process of development from a partnership into a modern financial and operational group, with 183 shareholders, the RN has been guided since 1977, for more than 20 years, by Armando de Domenico and, after his passing in September 1998, by his son, Gianni Andrea de Domenico, who took over as chairman of a Board of Directors

The current work-force of RN is composed of about 130 people, including seafarers and employees of Italian nationality in addition to the resources, mainly of British nationality, employed in the activities of the subsidiary Portosalvo Ltd.